
Monday, April 24, 2017

Waste Watchers

Jasmine  has earned $50 Banqer dollars because she found the bin to recycle soft plastics too. Well done Jasmine.

_____________________________________________________ Look at what else can be recycled at this bin at the New World Supermarkets.

Monday, April 10, 2017

Who Is Your Market?

This morning Catherine Fink came to talk to us about who our MARKET is and then, therefore, how we direct our products or services towards them.

Image result for who is your market?

We talked about WHY our product or service may be important.

Image result for why is my service important?

We talked about what the DRIVERS may be for us, why is it important to us to create our product or service.

What VALUEs underpin what you are doing?

Image result for values

We have four amazing mentors for our group now - Catherine, Ben, Dave and Alison who will be walking us through different stages of our learning.

Abby, Oliver and Sam are creating an attachable scooter mudguard

Alice wants to create a mini moveable worm farm

Ida and Jacob would like our local supermarket to start charging for plastic bags

Rowan thinks orthotics are too expensive and wants to design growable orthotics

Tristan wants to create recyclable paper

Monday, April 3, 2017

What Would I Do If I Was Not Afraid?

We discussed this this morning after watching some young entrepreneur Ted Talks.

Amy - I would test my product of waterproof bike seats on heaps of bikes. I would prank the teachers.
Nerhys - I would do anything!
Sofia - I would probably dive off a cliff.
Jacob - I would send my book to a publishing company. I would start a youtube channel.
Ida - I would go straight into New World to try to get them to charge for plastic bags. I would swim in really deep water.
Jonah - I would send my Lego creations and designs to a Lego company.
Alice - I've forgotten what I would do! I would try to gallop on a horse. I would swim with dolphins.
Jack - I would probably make an obstacle course our of circular saws and try to complete it!
Oliver - I would try to zip line down power lines.
Payo - I would go down the big adventure park zip line.
Amy - I would try really hard ice skating moves.
Hugh - I would skydive or fly in a wing suit.
Sophie - swim with sharks.
Sam - speak in front of a large audience.
Layce - I would swim with stingrays.
Noah - swim with jellyfish.

Today we went backwards to go forwards. We discussed what problems we could actually solve that would effect a large local audience. We need to get a little more realistic now and see what could actually be possible! Could we lobby local supermarkets or cafes to think about what they use that harm the environment? Could we join together in a small group who are passionate about the same things as me? What is my bottom line for wanting to make a difference?

Image result for young entrepreneurs

We also learned about the story of Pics Peanut Butter.