
Monday, May 1, 2017


This morning Alison, another of our mentors, came in to talk to us about our design process.

  • Source of input
  • Input
  • Activities
  • Output
  • Receiver of output
We go through a process many times each day - getting dressed, cooking etc. It is important that our outputs are the same each time.
Alison works for ENZTEC  which is a company that designs and makes orthopaedic tools, like hip and knee replacements. Imagine if these were not made correctly each time!

We talked about our research and being able to solve a problem, then what our prototype and product might look like.

What requirements do we need to meet to solve our given problem? Keeping this in mind is crucial.

What tests might we need to do to check? Can we do these on a prototype? Nerhys had great ideas around this.

We discussed which requirements were absolutely necessary and which were negotiable.

Each group or individual began filling out their own design review to keep their ideas on track.

Who is your target market? What are their requirements?

We have one group - Abby, Oliver and Sam - working on a problem that has come to us from a parent. She works at the hospital and has to park a long way away. She scoots from her car to the hospital, but when it is wet the water and mud squirt up the back of her legs. Our team is designing a scooter mudguard! Watch this space for an exciting new product...

1 comment:

  1. Thanks so much for coming in today Alison, you really got Sophie and I thinking and kept are creative juices flowing 😄.
